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Hey patrinos! Thank you for your fast reply! And also thanks for the information online and the many photos, that was very helpful to me! Smile

I was actually a lot at the hospital bus station those days. Shouldn't I have seen 112, if it was running between Kastellokampos and Hospital? But I will try my luck tomorrow at Kastellocampus and also go to look again at the bus depot, maybe 112 is now back there...
So thanks to your advice I was going at Kastellokampos on friday and to the bus depot again. In Kastellokampos there was 96, which I most probably saw also at the Hospital, but thought it was 94 initially.

At the depot there were 111, 113, 114 and 117 (beside a lot more busses of course). So this week I found every bendy bus somewhere, except 112! Sad I still have no idea where it is. And also all bendy busses were running this week except 108, 112, 113 and 117. So I really hope it will change for next week... I have tuesday and wednesday left... Smile
If it wasn't there it might be in a known workshop for maintenance..

Ξέμεινε το Νο12 πριν το ποτάμι στην Ακτή Δυμαίων με φορά προς Πάτρα. Έχει έρθει η αστυνομία και έριχνε κάτω από το πίσω μέρος του λεωφορείου πριονίδι για να απορροφήσει τα λάδια..
Το Νο30 από 19/05 αποτελεί παρελθόν...
Νο30 Διπορτο citaro πρώτης γενιάς με αριθμό κυκλοφορίας ΑΖΜ-6003 μοντέλο του 2006..Υπάρχουν ακόμα αλλά 2 ίδια
Παρελθόν αποτελεί και το Νο29 από 17/05.
Από 29/05 παρελθόν αποτελούν τα Νο11 & Νο44.. Εκτιμω ότι τα Νο29, 11 & 44 αντικαταστάθηκαν με citaro πρώτης γενιάς ίδια όπως το Νο30.. Αυτά ήταν πέντε κομμάτια LU- RD 21 έως 25, μοντέλο του 2006.. Στην Πάτρα τελικά ήρθαν τα 4 από αυτά..
Τα άλλα 3 citaro με τη μαύρη μούρη είναι τα εξής:
Νο29: ΑΖΜ-5989
Νο?: ΑΖΜ-6031
Νο?: ΑΖΜ-6034
Hi Patrinos! I was very thankful for your help recently! In the end I was kinda lucky, on my last day in Patras at least 113 showed also up on line 6... Smile Now I wonder: is 112 running again? Did you see it?

And a second question: when do articulated busses run normally on line 5? I saw on some of your beautiful pictures (f.e. this one: https://leoforeia.gr/photos/displayimage.php?album=113&pid=21278#top_display_media) that they sometimes must run there, but when I checked on my stay in Patras, I never saw one on line 5... (I did not check on saturday though).

greets from Switzerland Smile

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